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♥ My World, my say.

♥ Thursday, April 24, 2008

Heyss peolple :p!!!Hope you all had a nice 4days :)!!!Sadly i did not though...haiz..ok firstly before i start this entry right..the reason why i am on at 9 plus in the morning cos there's no school for me :p!!! least got one thing to be happy about :)....well...kks basically my days were ok..great..but not better than that sadly came to a stop yesterday..when i u noe..msged a paticular someone that i cant be with her cos u noe i gt another person..well yeah...looks like i screwed big time...looks like she had/has the right to hate me forever..i rather be it that way than see her be sad n all cos of me..haiz..damit i destined to be hated by all girls or smthing???Oh wells...i just hope that she'll have a better life now :) abt today...nthing much bua send mummy go dentsit..yay for me cos i can use com :p..kekekekeke..but i still care abt my mummy ok!!!hahax...jus finsihed watching a vry vry vry educational programme on the com xp..oh trust me when i say is..unless if ur a girl then yeah..u may n may not nt noe those stuff that i've learned least now i noe y gurls have their er...ok nvms forget it...cant go into to much detail..tat's just..sick..yupz...but the programme was funny to...made me laugh dunno wat..guess it's guys humour..wells tomoro's my eng exams :'(!!haiz..betetr get reading n study for me other subbies :)..k uh will post as soon as possible.
Do tc everyone :).


♥ Sunday, April 20, 2008

Heyss people :p!!!Been quite awhile..since i updated my blog..hahax...woops!!!bo time mah...well lemme give u n overall view on hw's the week so far...just two words..not bad :p!!hahax..but so day was friday!!!!cause i went out wif my ex-classmates of chai chee!!!YAY for me!!!!hahax...been awhlie since i went out with them n this time there was sec2 person offence to her tho...jus saying jus saying..well abt i guess...tho i'm a to say..affected???is tat the ryt word???i dunno but yeah...abt what happen last night...more like what a paticular person said to me last night...oh they say...when u tink ur over ur ex...u jus..aint...yupz..oh wells...damn now tis person i'm toking with says that i cant settle down withe jus one girl...damn!feel like..ahh...nevermind..guess she's right aniwaes..why cant i jus stick to one girl and have a happy..say...a year or smthin???haiz...but at least now i can study better...right???OH WHO AM I KIDDING!!!I CANT FREAKING STUDY WITH OR WITHOUT A GIRL IN MY LIFE....haiz...dammit..i so so so so so so so so hate satan right now...stupid bastard...screw my life..haiz...what to do when u play with a guy like satan???oh least he aint tearing me to bits by yeah..continuing abt my day today...was smsed by munirah what..????9???hahax..was to tired so i slept all the way till 10...hahax...i noe nt much of a diff right??hahax...WRONG!!!to me...that's alot of time already...kekekekekekekeke...n YAY for me to play ps2 today n i did 2 n a half hours of e maths 8-)!!!!!!hahax..that's sooooo damn good for me lor..yays...damn i forgot...tomorow i gt parade commanding!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!craps...i suck at it luh...sumore i screwed up on sports carnival day when mr.lak go ask me shout true the mike...damns...i hope i wun be so nervous tomorow...well thats it for now..hahax...have a good day people...


♥ Friday, April 11, 2008

heeeyyysssss people :)...hahax...guess i'm in a good mood today..though today wasnt good...but it wasnt bad so it's worth to be happy right???yup school wasnt soooo bad...but TOMOROW GOT FLAG DAY!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!*sobs*!!!!damn leh...what to do???where to go???geez...well at least my day MAY be great after all tomorw cause smthin going to happen tomorow...geez...hope i'm ready for it n i'm not gonna look back :)...hope god's gonna forgive me...hahax...but yupz i still feel so weird...u noe...after wat i said to a particular someone in the morning at the bus stop...did i put my words right????like i said to her...i may n may not consider..haiz...i dunno...i dunno...but yes...i am still contented that i'm friends with her n she's alright..yupz...hope u all had dinner already :)!!!k uh...tink i stop here for tonight...will update tomorow...if possible :) take care people :p!!!pray for me that i'll be blessed tomorow for what i am gonna do XD...kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke.oh n yes before i go...i would like to say that me n my ex r great i guess..m getting over her soon :)n she's the 7 Litere bottle(cos she loves green tea n she made me like it n she loves the number 7) n yeah...i'm the lil red truck -_-'''..y???u go parkway parade n see the fourth floor there...beside the pastamania there gt this truck..yeah..u see whats the label..hahax..k uh...i go now..lolx...till tomorow :).


♥ Thursday, April 10, 2008

heyss u can see from my post line...u can tell smthing happen on 7th april...yeah smthing did gurl broke up with me...hiaz...till nw...been 4 days after that experience...n i aint over her yet...haiz...i dunno what to do...i've told myself to get over her n not think about what i have left behind...but it just...hard...but now she n i r a way...very(according to her) good friends...i just hope that our friemdship is more deeper n more meaningful now...yupz...but the days so far werent so bad...besides my knuckles still hurt after i released my anger on the sch wall n made me bleed on monday...but basically the past few days were emo...but ok i guess..but yeah..yesterday was the worst...i kinda like...picked up smoking sice ysterday...kinda addicted to it...but heys...ill stop smoking...tho i just took like wat..????1 stick..????yeah....that's all foe now i guess....will post soon as have a goodnight people..take care


♥ Sunday, April 6, 2008

heyss everyone...backs u can see from my heading...todays a bad far....i gt my haircut today for my speechday tomorow n my hair looks kinda weird but never mind that...what made today bad???my tok with my girl...well to be more exact...i didnt talk with least didnt get too...when i want to...haiz...i hope she's alright....hope we both are fine...geez..i feel like calling her now but nevermind :)...a certain sumone told me not to be tooo paranoid so i shall take her words..well...gotta go now...sobs..will write back as soon as have a good day everyone..


Afternoon people...hope ur day been for mine..nt so bad i guess..getting smsed by a fren nw...geez...doesnt he have a life???why must he go sms me n ask me about gurls????geez...oh wells what to do???am still missing my gurl by the way...haiz...hope she'll come on msn soon...if she doesent then well...hope she's fine...damn...still gotta study later...haiz...todays gonna be a bore 4 me...well yeah...will be updating some hours or have a nice time people..


♥ Saturday, April 5, 2008

Today's fcked up...tho i did create my blog(yay in a way)...i had kinda a bad day in the morning was fine...tuition was ok...the work was kinda easy n i knew my work...afterwards in the afternoon...con class was fine but the worst was well night...tho i did went out wif a fren of mine n accompinied her to bedok station b4 coming back home...i kinda fought wif my gurl...y i had a lil tiff wif her u ask??well it's cos i told her tat i went out wif my fres whos a gurl n yeah...she gt a lil angry cos i've been like u noe...going out with gurls n all...i noe i'm a jerk n all..but yeah...i deserved the mild anger n sadness my gurl had on i stop toking wif her tonight...maybe i'll talk wif her tomorow..i'll see how i feel first...wat's worse???i'm on a time-out with her cos of our m.y.e..yup..this wat's makes me more of a jerk...n yeah..i've a fren whom i still can't tok to her normally like i used be honest i miss those times...she noes who she is n yeah..i thank her for forgiving me but i'm sad because i still cant have my toks wif her life's so fcked ryt nw...even my ex(geez hope u aint gonna scold me for tis d.j...) even has her bad times nw...all i wish her is well luck n do wat's best for the both of u..even if its bad in the first look..n maybe in the long'll be useful..well gtg nw..m gonna call a certain fren of have a pleasent night every1..


GOSH!!!CANT BELIVE IT....MY FIRST BLOG EVER...WELLS...m kinda tis is how a blog is lyk...well basically...names troy...hahax...tho i tink u'll noe tat as most of u ppl who's gonna view me noe who i am but yeah tis is the sake of ppl who jus come to my blog randomly...kekekeke...m 14 going 15 by the way...m a virgo(virgos rocks alllllll the waaaayyy!!!!)n yeah i apologise if my entries n all r a lil bit crappy cos tis is my first time putting on a blog tho i do keep diaries in secret XD..hahax...well yeah..tat's my first entry i guess..will come back soon to write up on my take care people..


♥This boy
Name: Troy MC Lokman
Age: 15
Currently: Studying at St Patrick's
Attached to Joann Jeanne Sim

♥ Wishes

A longer love
My fav bands(be it necrophagist,satyricon,vader..or others i happy liao >.
More kiss from her (:


♥1st Month♥
♥2nd Month♥
♥3rd Month♥
♥4th Month♥
♥5th month♥
♥6th month♥
♥7th month♥
♥8th month♥
♥ Talks

♥ Credits

Dont remove [:

Editor: Nayli
Designer :Lilnayli
Basecodes :lovelies-
Others : xxx