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♥ My World, my say.

♥ Sunday, May 25, 2008

Heyss people!!!hahax!!!hope u all had a good day!!!Cos i quiet went suntec city!!!yay!!!hahax...nt jus go shopping but for COSSSSPPPPLAAYYYYYY!!!!hahax...k luh more like street fest but yeah...still gt people dress in coustumes seh... wore punk/gothic...yupz..wat to do?hahax!then i met joann n her fren fun go out wif them!!!well today was basically walking arnd get cameras in ur faces n *snap*!!!hahax!so fun fun...joann gt quiet alot of attention..hahax...wat do u expect from a pretty gurl like her??hahax...nichole was ok quiet a gd talk wif her...n she n joann are...twins????NO LUH!!!jus say say one cos they both have same b'dae mahz..hahax!shock me when i heard tat!oh oh oh!btw..i forgot to mention tat today the first date i gt wif joann first outing wif her!!! in a was a gd date today...though we didnt nt have much time..but it's still good :p!!!at 4.30 or so...when bus stop wif joann n nichole..gotta go church..yupz..for confirmation mass..hahax!but yeah...from there gt a lil bit boring...cos i emoed in church...sobs..but still ok lor...when i met maya,alanna n jillian...GOD!!!they comment on my eyeliner!!hahx...geez...think cos i look gay seh...but yeah it looked nice to me...hehex..k uh tat's it i guess..but i do regret nt taking pics wif the cosplay people..haiz...but my fone is still "filled"(in a way) wif pics of joann,nichole n the cosplay people!!!hahax!well that's it for today :)!!!hahax..will post tomoro i guess...

tc everyone!!!


♥ Friday, May 23, 2008

Heyss nthin much to's finally the mark of the june hols!!!YAY!hahax...tat's good i guess...well...after school..went back home..then change then go out wif jemimah,holly n samantha go tampiness mall...wasnt so bad...they went look for gifts while i..????jus tag along..hehex..but ok first sam's jus like...emoing in a way uintil we ate..when jem n sam said sry to each other..for wat???i oso dunno but gd still :D!!Then after wards...went jem's hse!!!hahax...was funny....later nick came into her hse...had fun there..lolx..was relaxign while the three randomed each other...weird but ok!!the yupz..jem n nick had fun infront of sam...god so funny!!!holly took a vid...damn stupid...but yupz overall tat afternoon was ok...went home at abt 6.30..reached home at 7 plus..then went to see my nephew damn cute jus learnt hw to say rice..hahax!then yeah...msged khaleedah...didnt replied even till now..i tink she hates me..hiaz....wat to do...m toking wif ayeshah nw..hahax..will post tomoro i guess...damn!in the morning got parent n cher meeting seh...hope i gte gd somments form me chers n i hope i i pass my exams man!!!wish me luck people :)!

tc n have a gd night!


♥ Sunday, May 18, 2008

Heysss people :)!!!hahax...seems like my mood quite good today huh????hahax..i guess so...been gd days so far...but my exams want tat good..haiz...but nvms :)..least mum n dad didnt bicker to yup yup..well today is nt so bad so far...but a fren of mine sounds sad today..haiz....trying to help her out...but seems my counselling sux so yeah...wat to do????jus help whenevr i can i guess..well that's all i gotta say for nw i guess...probably post day people..


♥ Sunday, May 11, 2008

Heyss people :)!!!hahax..been quite a long day today xp.geezz...but today wasnt that bad quite good :)'s hw it was in short..was there at abt 12.20...brandon n his bro welcomed me...we played army of two or smthin on his ps3(damn...not fair :()..wat else..oh ya his fren came..meyvan..tok wif him...kenta n fren,kiranna or smthin lidat came oso..we ate sake sushi as lunch..hehex..listen to meatl all the way till abt 3...called joann at 2 plus..hahax!at 3...this gurl name audre came..she was tkgs *shocks*...damn seh huh?
so obviously i full kia tok wif her abt khaleedah n all...then came the sub of elsa audre's num n all..haiz..felt so playish lor..continued toking wif her till abt 3.30..then met jie...for awhile wif her fren ray..hahax..damn he funny xp..hahax...k uh nt much to say today..oh wells...will post tomoro :)

tc tc everyone


Heyss people :p!!!been llong time since i posted huh???got exams what.oh wells..hope i did well though.i did studied quite hard for all of them(k fine...besides maths paper 2 n phy)...but yeah still hope will nt fail any subs!!! form my title..i guess it is sorrows n vehemence comes to an end..for now..cos m.y.e finish already!!!yay i guess..n june hols coming..BUT!!!!! Got 4 camps!!!nt fair..haiz...oh least lidat i can keep myself away from troubles!!!well so updates since 25 paril...ermz...days wasnt so my fone confiscated on1st may..but gt it back so i'm happy :).love life is good random put that down..sorry xp..hmms...wat else...ermz...oh ya!gt a party today!!!hahax!!but it's a sch mates party..hahax...still fun i guess xp!but most prob i'll be going out n zao the party from say..2.30?????oh wells..but mus at least spent time wif the b'dae boy(brandon xp) so yupz!!!!damn...i'm joining his..or shld i say our sch roller-bladin/cycling lazy but wanna lose weight xp..k luh i aint fat but..being a leg to train my legs again :D!!!hahax...since after exams been playing devil may cry 3..hahax..for frens who're here who dunno wat's devil may cry 3(come on glen..i noe ur on..dun lie to urself u noe wats that...n for other frens to!!!HA!) well...a fun game basically..i dun wanna make this post like a DMC3 walkthrue..hahax!but yeah abt's been fun but IT WAS SO LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!so irritating but still fun :p!!!hahax..k uh..tink i gtg nw..the party starts at 12.30 but wanna be there early xp!

tc everyone!!!will try to post again soon!!!!


♥This boy
Name: Troy MC Lokman
Age: 15
Currently: Studying at St Patrick's
Attached to Joann Jeanne Sim

♥ Wishes

A longer love
My fav bands(be it necrophagist,satyricon,vader..or others i happy liao >.
More kiss from her (:


♥1st Month♥
♥2nd Month♥
♥3rd Month♥
♥4th Month♥
♥5th month♥
♥6th month♥
♥7th month♥
♥8th month♥
♥ Talks

♥ Credits

Dont remove [:

Editor: Nayli
Designer :Lilnayli
Basecodes :lovelies-
Others : xxx