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♥ My World, my say.

♥ Thursday, June 12, 2008

GWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!sorry people!!m kinda high now..hahax!!!idk y but my post title jus...weird..ok abt polish kinda cos of behemoth!!!hahax...that bitch is hot!!!hahax...mmm....jsu cld tatse her ryt now...hehex...BUT my gurl still better!!!! her loadz luh..went out wif her today!!!yay!!!n...!!!!she came over!!!yay for me!!! yup..jus the usual talks..cos i gt my chem projs to do n all..hehex...but we still had fun :p....but yeah..u noe wat fun guys :) funny ideas people..she innnocent...n u noe i dun force innocent gurls...hehex..but yeah so todays was kinda good..went out wif jo after my lil session wif her..hmms wat else???we had our lil dear to dear walk..hehex...kinda missing that now...hahax..then yeah went to library cos she was FEELING damn let her relax in the air con while i read up on my chem book on zircon oxide..hahax..had a lil proj on that..then yeah my dear was kinda kapoh so she looked but yeah from her face i cld tell she didnt understand a word :p..hahax..then yeah for her sake we went off cos it was getting we walked up to a bench there n sat down..n guess wat???we took pics together!!!ahhax..hw weird of me i noe..but wat to do??i wanted to please nw i gt like wat???2 pics of my darling n two fotos of us together :p...yeah..went back home n yupz relaxed n use com...saw her online n all..n yeah..sad my mood swing came i logged off...then i played ps2..which made my nyt..was kinda happy...then i decided to u noe...yeah...u get the idea guys..nw..m toking wif frens...n one of them is least we're fine nw???hope we are..
that's all i have to post...have a gd nite people :)

tc tc


♥ Wednesday, June 11, 2008

*moon walks to this post*....Heyyss people :)!!!hahax....kinda happy today as u can see :)!!!USING PINK!!!cos my darling loves pink mah...*ponders*:' any pony background anort arhz????..'hahax...feeel damn high now..hahax!!jus for ur info m watching a damn hot n insane vid :D!!! uausal being my horny self....m tinking abt yeah...u get the ->horny ->fantasies of yeah xp..ehhex...but well heres my today's 'report'...lemme see...i woke up at 12...had to bathe to go my aunts house..geez..was suppose to wake up earlier..but yeah...had a wonderful talk wif my beloved girlfren :)(I LOVE YOU!!!)ahhax!!!n yupz as usual she makes horny...BUT!!!last nyt was an EXCEPTIONLY horny convo..(darling..if ur reading this..u noe y i say that last nyt was a damn horny convo :p)hehex...but yeah continuing..reached me aunts house abt 2...watched me korean show..hahax...played wif me nephew..n yupz went to the park wif him :)!!!now...while at the park...there was this european lady who went upp to me n asked me;'can u play wif my son???'...i was like wtf...but ok..had to obliged her ryt???so i tot the son was like wat???primary school..but NOOOOOOOO...was a 5 year old kid named riaz...wat we played???SOCCERR!!!! u all noe i hate soccer...but yeah had to enteratin the lil i had this 'soccer session' with him....hahax...damn i was sweating cos it was fun..nt soccer but playing wif the boy :p..hahax...then yeah at the playgorund..did my pull ups..gaaahhhh!!!can only do 3 :'(..sobs...can still pass nafa(if i was 15 on the month of april or smthin..)but yeah had to train ryt???THANKS TO SUM PERSON(shant metion the barnicle...)she had convinced me to get 6 packs..i mean...seriously...why???why must u push me to get 6 packs???its nt like as though ur gonna feel it wat...gaahhh...but a promise is a promise...good news o my ex work out frens cos they'll see me soon...but seriously people..this better be worth least the barnicle nvr ask me go for rugby ryt???hahax..but i dun mind actually..putting ur head under sum perosn's ass...ahhax..tat is if ur not the flanker..m considered 'good' for second row..least i can run AND tackle people..haiz..looks like if i do join side steps gonna be my life saviour!!!hahax..hmms thats it for the afternoon..well i did call my dear for awhile...hahax..tats gd enuf for now..but i gonna kol her soon..again..hahax...
well that's it for now..geez..i still gt work to do..sads..oh wells..i'll pull t6his day to an end n try to have a good night :)!!ahhax..k uh...shall stop here for tonight..have a gd nyt people :)!!

oh b4 i go a few words/ sentences to the barnicle:
Firstly..when i promised u that i'll get 6 packs..I DIDNT MEAN IT cos,
1.u didnt shake my hand
2.remember the deal we made a few years ago(which u made the omos the same deal wif me again wt???few days ago????)the me,6 packs,u belly-dancing??

3.if u forgot even if u didnt...U STILL havent fufilled that promise yet!!!!

in conclusion:i'll see if i wld get :p..hahax..but fine..i may get cos it's for the benfit of my gurl???hahax.

k luh this time i really end fof..hahax!!!


♥ Monday, June 9, 2008

Heyss people :)!!!Not a bad day today so far...since this morning i had LMC(leadership and mentoring course) for my NPCC stuff...have to attend this as its a criteria to become at seargent and here's form the top.....
5.32:Time when i suppose wake up..but didnt....
6.20:Time when i REALLY woke up...then bathed...balh blah....
Well...from there i can guess wat's next????hahax..i just when n walked a lil while towards another bus stop n took a bus to my school...met up wif a few frens of mine(namely...myles,imran etc..) n took a bus towards tkgs n droped of there...walked towards goodman road n towards chung cheng high main..halfway walking thru...the houses there were BIG!!!i tell u...BIG!!! fun...frens n i tried to play here n there near the house and all..but yeah we didnt..jus walked on n on..until the main gate of chung cheng.
Now when we reached looked like CHINA!!!hahax...cos gt all those chinese temple style buildings u noe...its like the buildings looks old on the outside but i tell u..inside was damn nice!!!they had a nice lake(people called it a pond...i dunno was like damn big luh..)
In the school found rabi in full-u n ayeshah too...rabi acting n the rest changed into full-u n slacked until the group of tkgs came..tat's where i felt damn scared..cos she was ex,khaleedah was there..was shocked to see her when i was pushing rabi out off thebuilding when i caught a glimpse of her..i quickly zaoed back..i wonder if i really am afriad to see her...m i????gaahhh idk luh but the rest of the day was good..split into grouos,had lectures n activities,took of rabi(as usual) n yeah..trying to ignore khaleedah..seems like she was erious when she said she wants nthing wif us anymore..nt even frens...haiz..besides was all fine..
Sometimes..i really wonder if i was stupid,fooolish or watever...but least she's happy n im happy :)
That's it i guess..have a gd night..will post tomoro..hopefully...

tc tc


♥ Sunday, June 8, 2008

Heyss people!!!hahax...jus came back home...finally!!! overall this week was fun..hahax...form monday till friday morning was unit n nco camp!! fun..hahax...unit was great as i saw my lil sec1 n my sec 2 cadets/frens n lead them!!yay!!hahax...but quiet hard seh...lots of pumping..but still good..nco camp was damn stress...way loads of was good though...woc was nt bad..but i tink i screwed up :(!!!oh wells...ut shld be able to pass ryt???hahax..hope so..but the best person there was sir adill!!!hahax..aka my H.O!!!he rox funny luh he...n his PT rox aaaallllll the waaaayyyy!!!hahax..but damn tiring..but good!!!then on friday morning..went home n changed then go meet my darling joann!!!!BEEN LIKE 5DAYS since i saw her lor...hahax...but camp was quiet nice songs...1st day was kinda icr breaker stuff...second day gt mass..n guess wat???i cried!!!cos my parents wrote me a heart warming letter..geez...i tot i wldnt cry seh..oh wells then 3rd day was going home!!!yay!!!but the first nyt i gt colgated!!no!!!!!hahax..but 2nd nyt i sdtayed awake all nyt n played tati!!n 'gossip' abt gurls..kekekekekeke..n my darlign was at my church camp!!!yay for me!!!hahax...then in the morning..woke up..bathed n singed songs..had the prayer of worship thing n yupz..went back o church then had a nice lunch wif my dear!!!hahax..went siglap wif her n i saw my ah yi scary but joann's face more cute she damn shock..hahax..had kfc..n she finally ate!!!hahax..tat's all so far i guess..toking wif audre n her nw on msn..hahax..update tomoro or sthin bah...lazy add anything else liao..hahax...

tc tc people...


♥ Sunday, June 1, 2008

Haiz.....looks like i lost it....he's gt me today...

things that happen today:

Well at first it wasnt so bad...woke up at 9..played castlevania..crap i died at lvl 11..stupid red ogre...gah...then played romance of the three kingdoms X..but lagged..gah...then called my dear...nt so bad...had quite a gd..suppose be toking wif her now..but as u noe..i cant post while toking on fone..wat's worse..i saw smthin jus nw..which broke my heart...because of that..i say that satan has gotten me good today..maybe it was a mistake ot ever begin wif it..nw im tinking abt desires of her r great pulling me n gave the tots of losing wat he said..i really dunno leave her or not..i love her..but yet..there r things pulling me apart...desiree,michelle,sarah...gah my most craped people..WHY must they do this to me???nw jenny's playing on youtbe nw..good song to affect my mood...idk y..used to sing it for michelle...gah..stupid luh she...continuing abt her...i decided to stick to her..split second decision huh?but i mean it...i have to take the pain which all those who has cursed,sweared,hate n me..i will forske those times of which satan has got me..for priority is joann..tat's girlfriend,the one i love,my guardian angel...

to my love:
Dear..if u do see sorry but i jus feel so down nw..but yet..when i'm going to call u i'll sound normal cause the tot of u always makes me smile..even when u have ur..stuff..yeah...i jus wanna say that'll i'll always love u..n be there for u..when we're on the fone..jus..try nt to ask abt this post..cos it's kinda confusing..n hard to explain...wat im facig horrible..war aginst god n satan..onli u r my only source of love n help..i will never want to lose u..

Thats all i have to say for this post i guess...tomoro's my camp..for five days i cant speak to her..gahg..have to live it but at least i can see her after my camp :)!!but gt church camp luh..can be wif her for three days...but i cant totally be wif her...k uh going to call my love ryt now..

tc tc


♥This boy
Name: Troy MC Lokman
Age: 15
Currently: Studying at St Patrick's
Attached to Joann Jeanne Sim

♥ Wishes

A longer love
My fav bands(be it necrophagist,satyricon,vader..or others i happy liao >.
More kiss from her (:


♥1st Month♥
♥2nd Month♥
♥3rd Month♥
♥4th Month♥
♥5th month♥
♥6th month♥
♥7th month♥
♥8th month♥
♥ Talks

♥ Credits

Dont remove [:

Editor: Nayli
Designer :Lilnayli
Basecodes :lovelies-
Others : xxx