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♥ My World, my say.

♥ Monday, August 25, 2008

Haiz....sup people..been long since i updated huh?well wat to do?my life is screwed up once again...jesus...cant he ever gimme sum gd days???wat's stuck sumwhere n here i am using the com..stupid day..haiz..well at least tis morning was to see my beloved darling :) least that puts a smile on my face for just awhile..i hope i can see her again tomoro morning..i miss her so so so sooo much!!!!gaahhh!!!stupid com!lagging..hate it!!haiz..well guys as u noe nw today my bdae n u noe my wishes..n having a gd day IS SO ON MY LIST!but im nt getting it :(...haiz...wat to least i gt a wonderful present from my love..really made me lemme see my wish for this year is actually quite simple..its:(having my fone back this wednesday permanantly so i can msg my love n see her again wiithout my parents noeing n having a better relationship with her).yup wat i basically want is my relationship to get better...guys,i dont want to talk abt wat happen..u guys shld noe..u noe the old me the being foolish BUT YET loving boyfren i into trouble..yeah..girls of last year shld remeber wat im talking abt..yup...but ya..hopefyllu god can give me a better relationship wif my darling..i really need it..i want to have a better relationship..i want to..cos she really means alot to me..
Well thats all for kinda tired of using the com at a..yes finally i admit..a 'lanshop'..k fine..fren hse...yeah.geez she's so irritating!!!!gahh wanna go home but frens making me stay for my bdae surprise :(!!!i hope its nthing stupid or lame..IM SO NT IN THE MOOD NOW...onli my love can make me feel better.
Gtg nw then..have a gd nyt people...


♥ Sunday, August 17, 2008 shld be a happy day for me right?Today is my 4th month wif my darling joann..haiz..but i dont know y i'm still breaking inside...haiz..its nt cos of her..that i noe...geez..y am i so so so....emotionally weak seh..damn!i hate myself now..uh-oh..jus made a sin..cant hate myself..BUT WHO CARES!haiz...gaahhh one msg her now lah..but im still out..using frens com now..geez....soon playing audi i having lunch soon...that's all for now...i guess...i try comem back type more bah
tc tc


♥ Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hey people...been long time since i blog huh???yupz...thanks to all the crap i've been going i'm currently at my darling's'll ask i sound or should i say...type damn sadly..well cos i am sad...i dont noe why either...i should be happy right???not was quite crapped...had biology and e maths tests today...both in which i screwed up...haiz....and like what??befor im suppose meet my darling go her house..i suppose to have a lil..ya...u noe what i mean....but yeah...frens cldnt meet up but its darling say she wan act a lil lian lei..haiz...well i dun mind actually...but im afraid smthing may go wrong..i mean....sure she's the type that wun comekao pei wif other people..but wat if other kao pei lei???then how???haiz...but ya that
s life..already in our close to four months...she kana by sum guy liao....thank god the guy nt from east seh...or else surley make problem one....than lidat mus kol dunno who all come down...but any case...i'll always support her...still love her very very dearly..ok i tink that's enough about my tots of her...lemme see...ah...last night i tok wif joreen..hahax..been long time since i talk wif her...cant believe that she still remebers me..hahax...well at least today had a good turn..jie come msg me so glad that she' nt angry with me anymore :)...
Well that's it for now....there's still so much to do...i try use my com tonight :)

tc tc.


♥ Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hahax...yay!i cant believe that i can use com again :)!! was damn fun :D!!!!lemme see...damn still coughing..ok...ermz...this morning,went to polycinic :(!!!!*sobs*....waited like wat???2 and a half hours jus to see the doctor!!!damn...then wat???oh ya...saw someone today :D!!!!hahax..cant believe she was in the polyclinic with me XP..hahax..then slack slack...then my darling joann msg me :)!!!OMGAH!!!i miss joann soooooooooo much...had a vry good week thanks to her lor..i miss miss miss her so so so so so soooooooooo much!!!!at least i can see her tomoro :).then yup can go out with her..have lunch than go for my con class for i put this???...ya a sex talk..damn..i scared sia....hahax..well thats all for now..

tc tc people :)


♥This boy
Name: Troy MC Lokman
Age: 15
Currently: Studying at St Patrick's
Attached to Joann Jeanne Sim

♥ Wishes

A longer love
My fav bands(be it necrophagist,satyricon,vader..or others i happy liao >.
More kiss from her (:


♥1st Month♥
♥2nd Month♥
♥3rd Month♥
♥4th Month♥
♥5th month♥
♥6th month♥
♥7th month♥
♥8th month♥
♥ Talks

♥ Credits

Dont remove [:

Editor: Nayli
Designer :Lilnayli
Basecodes :lovelies-
Others : xxx